Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog Assignment 6

Chapter 10 of “Journalism Next” by Mark Briggs discusses the importance of Managing News as a Conversation. The reading states that 2/3 of adults now participate or create content on the web, whether on social media such as Facebook or Twitter, or on the comment section of news forums like the NYTimes or Washington Post. However, many journalists face ethical dilemmas when contributing to or facilitating news website commentary sections. I think it is important for a journalist to carefully monitor their objectivity when commenting on news on the internet, because their opinions will be projected and this can make readers view the reporter as biased or being too involved in their own reports.

The reading also discusses how journalists can attract readers to join online conversations on blog entries and in online news. This is very important for journalists to know how to do because they must be able to bring in readers and keep those readers engaged in the blog.  Another benefit on having successful online conversation is that the conversation that takes place on the blog can be progressive enough to stir up another story that could further engage current readers and potentially pull in new ones.

However, the two-way conversation between the reader and the journalist can be compromising, as well. This is because the comment sections on blogs and  on well-known news websites are open to everyone. Any reader can comment, and while sometimes this conversation can be productive and reflect the journalist's or organization's reporting in good light, it also has the potential to open the door for offensive commentary. This also allows readers to pose attacks on other commenters that they are in disagreement in, or even pose threats to the journalist. If content is offensive enough in the comment section, then Briggs suggests that the journalist may want to look into removing the comment section of this particular post down or even removing the article that caused the stir.

Briggs also recommends collaborating with the community. By doing so, journalists create a more localized article that people in the direct community will be able to relate to. This kind of post can allow readers to contribute to issues going on in their community, as well as communicating with one another on an online platform. 

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay --

    Nice job but don't forget about personalizing your blog posts a bit. What do you think about all these developments?

